Frequently asked questions about the Club app

It is recommended that you read through the questions before downloading the app.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How similar is the information on the Clubapp and the website?

The Clubapp is an additional tool to share information with members of the club. In principle all information of the Clubapp can be found on the website. Exceptions are currently the following items, which can only be found in the Clubapp:

- Information posted in the 'Share your moment' section.

- Notifications sent to groups in the Clubapp. 

- Communication via groups with other members


How do I set up the Clubapp?

There are several ways to install it on your smartphone:

- Using the link included in an earlier email from KZ where you received the invitation to start using the Clubapp.

- Search in the Apple or Google Play store of your smart phone with the search text 'HC Klein Zwitserland'. The found app can be recognised by the well-known logo with the ibex. Or click on Google Play Store or Apple Store

During the first installation you must indicate that you are a new user (of the Clubapp). You will have to choose a password and click on an activation link, which will be sent to you by email. Please make sure that you log in with the email address on which you received the link.

The password you choose belongs to the Clubapp and has nothing to do with the password for the private area of the HCKZ website. That is a different password. They can be identical.

Attention! This Clubapp can also be used by other clubs, who use AllUnited for their website. Think for example of HVV, Quick, HBS and Groen Geel.

If you are going to use this Clubapp as well, the username and password are the same. Changing the password of the KZ Clubapp will automatically lead to a change of the password of the other Clubapp. If you already use the clubapp of e.g. HVV, you will use the same login details for the KZ app.

Who can use the Clubapp?

For now, the Clubapp is only accessible for members and contributors.

How does the Clubapp work with multiple members of one family?

Every member, including a family, can use the Clubapp. The condition is that each person has an own mail address which can serve as a user account. If a family of for example 3 members uses only 1 mail address, then the Clubapp has also only 1 user (namely the family head). Change the mail address of for example your children to their own mail address and then one can create a user account for the app with that mail address. 

Which user account do I need?

Members, donors and trainers. 

The user account can be found in the mail inviting you to start using the Clubapp. Normally, this is the same email address that is used to log into the private section of the website.

If you have more than one mail address in use at 'My HCKZ', the mail address mentioned first will be your user account for the Clubapp.

If you would like to use another mail address for the Clubapp please proceed as follows. Log in to the private section of the HCKZ website. Go to 'My HCKZ' => Change data. At E-mail put the desired mail address first. All mail addresses must be separated by a ;. Save the changes. It can take several hours before the change is effective in the Clubapp. It is therefore best to try this the next day.

Why do I have to pass an additional password check when I want to look in the member list?

When using the Clubapp, an additional access control is built in to access member data. This is to make members extra aware of the sensitivity of the data. But also in case of theft of the smart phone, member data is protected.

When selecting the Member List module, the previously selected password must be entered first. After this, a finger scan or PIN code can be set up to gain faster access each time.


English information HCKZ Overzicht